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Fun Stuff For Writers & Readers


We all know October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The important message about awareness and prevention gets through loud and clear every year, but for a change of pace, here’s a sexy reminder that recently had me paying VERY close attention, LOL! Make sure you watch all the way to the end credits. Enjoy!  


Here's your laugh for the day.. So you think writing is easy?    




My contemporary short story Romance By The Book is included in the Los Angeles Romance Authors anthology 5-Minute Love Stories!  If your daily scheduled is always busy, these five-minute stories will let you fit a little love into your day.  

The book 73 Ways To Fire Up (Or Just Fire) The Muse: How To Write Even When You Don't Wanna, or Think You Can't by Laurie Kienlen includes two of my best writing 'tips' for authors. Check out this educational and very inspirational new guide at:   


I was featured on NBC Nightly News in a story by reporter Chris Jansing on how the economy affects pop culture (TV, movies, etc) or offers a temporary escape from it (as in the case of romance novels). My "soundbite" ran only 8-seconds but they showed the cover of my book so I was thrilled. The piece also ran on MSNBC's Countdown With Keith Olbermann show, so it was double the exposure for me and romance novels!       


I was part of the Independent Writers of Southern California's panel on erotic writing. Four authors -- including my fellow romance author Eden Bradley -- talked about their work, and offered advice to other writers interested in this hot (pun intended) publishing genre! While the temperature in Los Angeles broke an all-time record that day of 113-degrees, it wasn't much cooler inside during the IWOSC panel, LOL! 


The author panel/book signing I did with NYTimes best-selling author Vicki Lewis Thompson, Berkley & Bantam author Eden Bradley, and Kensington author HelenKay Dimon at the Barnes and Noble in Burbank, CA, was a great success! I had the chance to hang with three wonderfully talented authors, and to rub them for a little good luck.  

Check Back here for more fun stuff!


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